Yoga For Weight Loss | Fat Burning Workout | Yoga With Adriene

This 40-Minute yoga for weight loss sequence is designed to reunite you with not just your abs…


47 thoughts on “Yoga For Weight Loss | Fat Burning Workout | Yoga With Adriene

  1. This video has changed my life. I started just a little over a month ago. It took me a week to make it from start to finish in 1 session. I would start from the beginning every morning and ever night. I got inspired and changed my diet. By week two, I was able to do the full video twice a day. I went from 126 to 111 lbs. I am healthier and stronger than I have ever been at 33 years old. I have friends coming over to share the video and start their journey too. I can touch my toes and I am beginning to see definition in my arms and abs. Thank you Adrienne, for making me a healthier mom, wife, and dental hygienist.

  2. I love love love this video, but at the same time I can’t can’t cant her chats.. i really wanna keep watching all her videos but excessive talking really intervenes when I’m concentrating and in the middle of near-dead positions. Wish she had a quiet version of everything. I feel so bad leaving this comment cuz I love her but I had to. 🙁

  3. this was my first time doing yoga. those 38min were really challenging but im glad i got through the entire video. i'll definitely check out more videos on this channel.

  4. I have been following you for few years now..I have almost completed all your new videos and have improved my flexibility. I have came across this one today..I am so used to seeing recent you,this was refreshing. Thanks for all these years of amazing videos..🤗

  5. Hello there, I want to know if Okibetonic Secrets, will really work for me? I see a lot of people keep on talking about this popular lose weight secrets.

  6. Jesus! I’m here 2021! I’ve went to ‘Videos’ and I had a courage thought 💭 maybe my challenge will be to each day try 1 of yours trainings – I probably will do it until retirement 😂 but I love your sense of humour. I’m yours ! ❤️❤️❤️

  7. I was having a pizza with my friend when he said he was on a diet and pizza is his regular cheat meal and part of diet plan he got from Agoge Diet. I thought he was crazy, but after a month I noticed his body has changed a lot. He looked better than ever. I should really visit that website

  8. I know this is an old video, and I loooove Adriene and all her talking can be distracting but this is an amazing workout. I have been doing hers and other videos for a while now and at my 44 y/o I am back at my 125lb weight I was in my 20’s!!!
    Not to mention I am free from the terrible back pain I had been suffering for over 5 years. I am truly happy with the results. 🙂

  9. Just done this video, June 2021, wow I felt that burn! I cannot get my knee to my nose though, will this get easier in time? I'm also following your 30 day plan at night, loving it! I've really struggled with depression and anxiety this past 2 years so I'm taking action and boy does your yoga videos really help me! I've been doing 2 of your videos religiously everyday, this is my second week, you're saving me, thank you! ❤️

  10. does this exercise really hurt anybody else's palm of their hands/wrists? mine were killing by 18 mins in. i don't have any wrist issues day to day

  11. 6 months ago I was able to do the whole workout without brake.. Now I can barely make it to the half of the video.. Depression sucks.. But now I'm trying my best to get back into shape. Both mentally and physically. This video's are a blessing.

  12. I always thought dieting is expensive and 'healthy' food costs a lot. Little did I know. I got my diet plan from Agoge Diet and I was able to select foods that fit my budget.

  13. Just started slowly getting back in shape after forced workout break (post-mononucleosis fat, I'm coming for you!)….it's a gentle flow yet it makes you break a sweat, well done Adriene, I love it!

  14. I can't relax my neck without the help of my hands. How do I build up that strength without hurting myself? I need to practice for downward dog, too, and if anyone else has trouble I suggest doing them on your knees or just not doing them if your wrists hurt. My wrists and forearms are twig-like; they need a lot of work. If yours are the same don't push it. We'll get there eventually.

  15. I am in love with that video, because unlike other weight loss videos this one is focused on doing exersizes consciosly. I had problems with digestive system, and after making those exersizes on a regular basis, my digestive system works like a clocks. So thank you Adriene.

  16. Yoga instructors don't talk too much during poses. That was a lot of talking. The most ineffective yoga video on the internet🥰Thank you for wasting my time.

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