Yoga For Neck and Shoulder Pain – Safe and Easy Stretches for Beginners

Ever wake up with a crick in your neck? Give this short and easy flow a try! Cole designed…


32 thoughts on “Yoga For Neck and Shoulder Pain – Safe and Easy Stretches for Beginners

  1. I've read most scriptural yoga texts. Not one says anything about canines being present. Also, she's cute, calling her dog a sanskrit name. Lol. Typical Westerners. Lol.

  2. About a week after a weekend of canoeing, Kayaking, and camping, even after a lot of stretching, I still had odd, specific spots of neck, shoulder, arm, discomfort. Then limits on the edge of movement range. This just fixed me up! I’ll be hitting it tomorrow too.

  3. Thank you Cole and Shanti! This is the most wonderful yoga practice for me, as I have pretty bad neck issues. I have found this to be my go-to video. It provides me with a lot of relief from my pain. I appreciate it so very much 😉

  4. Im 29 years old guy, My left hand is paining (mildly) from shoulder to lower arm since last 8-10 days. I work sitting whole day on small metal chair full day. Is it because of neck or cervical issues or something related to Heart?

    Now anxiety and mild weakness too. 😕

  5. I love yoga. And with a physically demanding job, yin yoga too. I so so so wish you would recreate this exact, and I mean exact, it's perfect, don't mess with it, video into a yin yoga video. I am so tight that I wish I could be in each pose for 2.5 to 3 minutes easy. I love you Cole. You are amazing. Keep on shining.

  6. Specifically her pain yoga videos are truly amazing. I can definitely tell the difference before / after effect. Her videos are my go-to pain yoga videos all the time.

  7. i have been dealing with posture issues, cervical pain issues from my C7 and C3/C4 facet joint and trying to help them proactively for 2 years. finding this video was THE FIRST video i found that could really help my neck pain. THANKYOU

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