Women's Clean—2019 CrossFit Games

Roll out the barbells and turn off the clock. Watch an epic lifting event during the 2019…


42 thoughts on “Women's Clean—2019 CrossFit Games

  1. Big respect to these amazing athletes, but unfortunately for people not knowledgeable about this discipline like me we wonder who are the men and who are the women in women's weight lifting. In the next Olympics my guess is China will clear the board, and they will all be men.

  2. “Women’s Clean” 😂😂😂 stop pretending that this activity is “clean”. CrossTransitioning is by far the least healthy thing ever. Motto: fatigue + poor form = injuries

  3. Just started working out a couple months ago and I can already clean more than the highest weight presented in this video. And I'm out of shape

  4. البته بهتر است قبل از شروع مسابقات وزنه برداری زیر رو معاینه شود تا از تأثیر بوبین های نصب شده زیر لحاف و سقف، مطلع گردید.
    یا وزنه ها را با تیتانیوم بسازند نه با چدن.
    حساب بانکی رکورد داران اسبق نیز هنگام ثبت رکورد جدید چک شود.

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