Walk 15 Leslie and Nick BANDS | 15 Minute Walking Workout

This is Leslie and Nick’s BAND mile from Walk15!

Grab your favorite fitness band and join the…


23 thoughts on “Walk 15 Leslie and Nick BANDS | 15 Minute Walking Workout

  1. The prayer that will raise your spirit into heaven after your life on the earth is over – lord jesus forgive me for my sins and come into my heart. I make you my lord and saviour

  2. Çok teşekkür ederim evde nasıl yapıcam spor derken yeğenim tavsiye etti yürüyüşe çıkamadığım zamanlar tek yapaxagım spor oldu insallah sağlıklı bir kilo vericem ameliyat sonrası gelen kilolarımı atarım insallah

  3. To all people who want to lose some weight (like me)
    Here some tips I used and it helped
    1-just follow a diet that u think it’s perfect for you
    2-make some workouts weekly
    3-try to eat just 3 meals in a day (I mean NO snacks)
    Like just focus to eat ONLY3 meals a day
    4-Drink a lot of water or green tea could help
    Just this hope this tips could help you

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