The Most Underrated Glute Exercise

The Most Underrated Glute Exercise

The stronger your mind-body connection is?

The more you can…


26 thoughts on “The Most Underrated Glute Exercise

  1. I tried this exercise but I can't tell if I'm doing it correctly. Ideally, should the hamstring be completely relaxed and loose? I feel the glute firing, but I also feel the hamstring tensing up. Is it possible to do this movement with an absolutely relaxed hamstring?

  2. Hey Cori! With the leg lifted, how much tension should you feel in the hamstring of the working leg? Should it (hamstring) be soft? I kept my hand on my working cheek to enhance the mind body connection:)

  3. Love your vids on all these essential tips that most trainers do not talk about. I am currently suffering biceps fermoris injury on my left leg, how do I prevent further damage and heal?

  4. I really appreciate you identifying exact muscles, body mechanics, what impacts joint problems and what to do for better strength and mobility. Much more helpful and targeted than just videos of exercises.

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