THE BEST AB EXERCISES FOR BEGINNERS | 10 MIN Home Ab Workout | No Equipment & No Back Pain

Many ab workouts could be too intense and painful on your . I picked the best 9


36 thoughts on “THE BEST AB EXERCISES FOR BEGINNERS | 10 MIN Home Ab Workout | No Equipment & No Back Pain

  1. Don’t get tricked this is beginner only workout! We are doing slow movements which means abs will be burning even you are more advanced. Most importantly, our back will be pain free which every beginner will appreciate. Have fun xxx

  2. Is this Will help me to loose my Belly fat ? My stomache is so big 😭. Should i tri for the begginers first or ahould i take the intense ABS work out one. Please answer me ,thank you

  3. 1.✅It was very hard, but I handle it.
    2.✅ Really hurt!! For two exercises, the last 5-10 seconds are 😰
    3. REST ( I walked for 20 min)
    4. ✅REALLY REALLY HURT!! For 2 exercises, the last 10 sec… I can't..
    (Sorry for my language, I'm Hungarian) 🙏😁

  4. Thank you so much for this video! I was able to do all the exercises without giving up, even though I was struggling in a few times during the workout and it was totally worth it! My abs are on fire now 🔥🔥🔥 I’m definitely motivated to keep going to reach my body goals 💖


    I LOVE YOU..!

    Из-за отсутствия лучшего слова, захватывает дух. Наборы яркие. Их богатый цвет и подвижный статус притягивают наблюдателя к действию. Костюмы являются декоративными, красивыми и работоспособными одновременно. Макияж выделяет костюмы, и никто никогда не замечает тот факт, что это люди, разыгрывающие части животных. Вы настолько увлечены образами всего этогоb


    Leurs états de santé
    respectifs les empechent
    de s'approcher trop
    pres l'un de l'autre.??
    みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン

  7. i’ll actually be updating!!
    day 1: done! if someone could please tell me what i can and can’t eat for dinner and such that would be awesome 🙂 also is it bad it wasn’t hard lmao?
    day 2: i only got through half of this video ahh
    day 3: didn’t do it 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
    day 4: done! i took a picture of my body and it looks like my body has improved already yayyy imma just keep doing it tho 🙂 also i workout then after an hour i eat 🙂

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