Tanner Buchanan’s 'Cobra Kai' Karate Workout | Train Like a Celebrity | Men's Health

Cobra Kai’s ‘Robby Keene’ actor Tanner Buchanan takes us through the workout that got him…


40 thoughts on “Tanner Buchanan’s 'Cobra Kai' Karate Workout | Train Like a Celebrity | Men's Health

  1. Wonder how he handles the making out with a girl scenes while filming? Didn’t think homosexuals liked girls. Did they tell him “ if you don’t you’re fired”?

  2. He's such a badass!!! and he's also a fire sign like me! yay! we're soulmates for life! sibling gang! /my fire fellow fire signs element. (Sister brotherhood for life).

    We're also a team in Chinese Astrology (3rd Trine). /Allies

  3. Por una 4ta temporada donde Robby encuentre su equilibrio, le pida perdón a Miguel por lo sucedido, ya que nunca pensó hacerle daño, solo quería detener la pelea, cuidar y proteger a Sam. Eres muy lindo, ojalá tu personaje en esta temporada sea un chico maduro que sabe lo que quiere y recuerde todo lo aprendido con Daniel Larusso. Ya mereces mejores cosas en la serie.

  4. I personally think if there was an awesome live-action DBZ movie franchise, Tanner could play Trunks. He kinda looks like him. But hey, probably just me though lol no one has to agree.

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