Strong Glutes & Back Pain: 3 Exercises That Fix Back Pain & Weak Glutes in 5 Minutes

Strong Glutes & Back Pain: 3 Exercises That Fix Back Pain & Weak Glutes in 5 Minutes



30 thoughts on “Strong Glutes & Back Pain: 3 Exercises That Fix Back Pain & Weak Glutes in 5 Minutes

  1. Love your videos. While enjoying the running joke about you working on heartbreak, it occurred to me that there is a Bob and Brad like solution out there, AND you mentioned it: Walking. When done with a mild cardio effort the body automatically goes into diaphragm engaged deep(er) yoga like regular breathing. The oxygen shower cleans the brain and the repeating continuously alternating left-right impulses to the limb muscles have an effect that is systematically used in trauma therapy by EMDR for example. (Also youtube). One could justifiably say that EMDR is an application of neural medicine.

  2. Love watching you. 👍😍 So funny with humour and great information. I’ll give it a try and see. I have back/ sciatica pain for a long time… just watched your video on sciatica aa well. hopefully it’ll help:). Thank you for your videos!

  3. Dear Bob & Brad: Where can I get the table, shown in this video? Looked on Amazon, but don't know manufacturer's name and it's not listed on your website.
    Also, what height should the table be for someone 5'5"-5'6" tall?

  4. "Take the pain." – Sgt. Barnes. Sharp, searing, unrelenting pain. Slowly, I recover and then I appreciate this world more. For if not now, when? "Life is but a vapor." – Holy Bible.

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