PCRI Men's Health Webinar with Mark Moyad, MD, MPH & ESPN's Vic Lombardi

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9 thoughts on “PCRI Men's Health Webinar with Mark Moyad, MD, MPH & ESPN's Vic Lombardi

  1. I love that description ā€œthe tale of two cityā€™sā€, and kudos to Mark for the story, my story was very much a duplicate, I was in the other city , unfortunately itā€™s storyā€™s like Marks that is used to drive the fear and speed of the ā€œcommercial prostate industryā€ and as a result I was overdiagnosed and overtreated before I even knew what a normal PSA was.

    Fear Speed and greed , the perfect storm for exploitation.

  2. Mark your third grade classmate is mad because not beating Ohio State. Are your feelings the same? What will you do after Thanksgiving weekend and the feelings remain? Buckeye jim barton

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