One Minute Sciatica Exercises for Quick Pain Relief & Cure of Sciatic Pain

“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck (Bob & Brad) present several One…


36 thoughts on “One Minute Sciatica Exercises for Quick Pain Relief & Cure of Sciatic Pain

  1. Every time Im in tears from the sciatica I come back to you guys. As you do these exercises, would you mind saying WHY/HOW they help relieve the pain? Im a RN but always like to learn more. My severe Osteoporosis is making my discs fall upon one another in odd places. Im fused at T11-12-L1 and refuse a 10-disc fusion. I see no point screwing all that hardware into such porus bone. I already have a screw backing itself our of one if the fused discs and can feel it if I twist/turn. I appreciate all your videos. You have helped my sciatica MORE than any surgery I have had. ❤❤

  2. Sing to the tune “Gravity” I’m in agony! Thanks u2 I am trankful
    Oh my gosh.. banana in bed on my back—and heard & felt a tiny pop. In pain for 4 weeks and you guys helped me in 3 minutes. 💕

  3. I have a pain since two days a go n I just saw your video n start exeercise you requirement may be I help 🙏🏼
    I can't walk because lots of pain in my right hip in deep nerve stretching I feeling

  4. I got an ad from a physio on this video talking about why the exercises in this video are a very bad idea. They offer temporary pain relief but worsen the healing process, long term.

  5. What exercises are good for inability to increase lordosis. Lying prone with sever pain increasing as you extend the lumbar region in attempt to get to upright position. You guys are so good with such definitive descriptions.

  6. At this point i'm still very shocked with the negative result I got after suffering from genital herpes for so long. Thanks once again Dr.ademise for your medication

  7. if someone is suffering from sciatica then consult planet ayurveda they will treat your condition very well. i personally felt that when I was suffering from sciatica and took treatment from planet ayurveda. i got very good results within 7 months.

  8. I have been dealing with this issue for over 8 months now and have been absolutely miserable. I've tried everything and I've started these exercises and I'm finally feeling hopefully. Thank you so much

  9. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)
    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27)

  10. Thank you for adding the closed captions. I have turned my 93 yo Mom on to your channel, as she's hard of hearing, so she is very thankful that she can follow along.

  11. Going to start this tonight and give it 6 weeks. Sciatica has taken over my life for the past year and i can't enjoy living. I am going to be 31 soon. If it does not help i will probably commit suicide. I will update this post in 6 weeks.

  12. You guys are my fav 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Everytime I need to recap on something for my clients I just watch one of your videos. Super descriptive and detailed

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