You need to work on ROM overall, not only was there a lack of ROM during your lunges, but during your calf raises and hip thrusts as well. The swinging motion during your calf raises is doing nothing for your calves. Engage the core and glutes to isolate the gastrocnemius. Your soleus is just as important and can be target by a bent knee calf raise. To isolate the glutes during your hip thrusts, yes your legs should be 90 degrees but you also have a lack of core engagement (as seen from the flaring ribs) during the entire movement which is probably allowing compensation from the quads or hamstrings over the glutes. Keep the ribs and chin down to keep the core tight and to fully extend at the top of the ROM during the posterior tilt to fully benefit from the exercise. Overall good video.
Warm up sets help me a lot too! I've only recently started adding more warm up sets instead of jumping right into my working set and I've noticed a crazy big difference already! I also really suggest adding a band around the knees to feel hip thrust in your glutes.
Hi, have you ever tried fore/midfoot running? It's a way better running style and it trains your calves like hell. This engages those ST fibers for a great stimulus. Greetings from Germany
Please do a video with new gym shark it would be great to see how squat proof they are if you can do a heavy work out so we can see the quality I would appreciate that 😊🙏
You need to work on ROM overall, not only was there a lack of ROM during your lunges, but during your calf raises and hip thrusts as well. The swinging motion during your calf raises is doing nothing for your calves. Engage the core and glutes to isolate the gastrocnemius. Your soleus is just as important and can be target by a bent knee calf raise. To isolate the glutes during your hip thrusts, yes your legs should be 90 degrees but you also have a lack of core engagement (as seen from the flaring ribs) during the entire movement which is probably allowing compensation from the quads or hamstrings over the glutes. Keep the ribs and chin down to keep the core tight and to fully extend at the top of the ROM during the posterior tilt to fully benefit from the exercise. Overall good video.
sounds like that flu was the big C word 🙁 but just want to THANK YOUUU FOR BEING AMAZING 🙂 appreciate your videos!!
Like watching a production scripted filmed actress portraying the 'neutral' 'person' that is as bland as a head of lettuce. Well done.
I cannot wait to incorporate all of your tips and info on glute exercising. Thank you Robin for putting this together!
You're so cute. You remind me of "Bernadette" from the big bang theory
Thank you for such an informative video, Robin! How long do you wait between sets?
I am going to be having the pasta prepped tonight. Thanks for the idea.
Your knowledge on fitness & biomechanics amazes me! Can you do a video about how you learned so much about these topics!?
I thought you are not supposed to do static stretching in a warm up as it would, in a basic sense, relax your muscles too much.
I love your body!!!
I was genetically born with massive calves.
What are kankles????
You voice is very pleasant.
Are your hips wider than your friend? If you know I'm just curious
Your gym looks soo cool!
Warm up sets help me a lot too! I've only recently started adding more warm up sets instead of jumping right into my working set and I've noticed a crazy big difference already! I also really suggest adding a band around the knees to feel hip thrust in your glutes.
Love this video💓the new vital looks so nice!!
Your program: Page not found!
New favorite to watch for work outs! You're so knowledgeable about what you're doing and why. I love your videos and you're serious 🍑 goals! 🙏
Wait did you get Coronavirus?
Look at this sucubi
how long is the warm up
Please do a video about how to gain calves♡
Stretching is beneficial for mobility and ROM, but it does take away from strength.
That delicious recipes !! Yum
I always feel like I do the Romanian dead lifts wrong
5:37 eka pada kapotasana aka pigeon pose
Iunno if its just me but your lunges arent deep enough… it looks weird!.. i do 100 walking lunges after my full work out…. killer!!
Do you know any good gym outfits with pockets ??
After seeing her for straight 2 months every minute on Snapchat ads
What kind of shoes do you have, they are so cute!
👍 rutine 🏋️♀️ 🦵 🦶 ankle 🦶strong💪✋🏻🖐🖖🏻 🧘♀️ 👖 also 👚 🏈 bra too also the gym exercise class weights minutes ⏰ hours ago and seconds
You barely got an ass, gorl.
you are so perfect. so sexy. wow
My question. Which gym is that? Looks so good!
Hi, have you ever tried fore/midfoot running? It's a way better running style and it trains your calves like hell. This engages those ST fibers for a great stimulus.
Greetings from Germany
Please do a video with new gym shark it would be great to see how squat proof they are if you can do a heavy work out so we can see the quality I would appreciate that 😊🙏
Your small calfs make your ass look bigger. I didn’t notice they were small until you pointed that out.
I love your body!! #bodygoals