Murph at the 2016 CrossFit Games

“When a member dies in the line of duty, a hero workout is created in their…


35 thoughts on “Murph at the 2016 CrossFit Games

  1. We do this once a week in actual plate carriers that weigh 25lbs. actually do full pull ups, push ups the runs and we still manage to get better times than these guys on TV. You think it's hard until you realize the military is better than most of these athletes we just don't do it for fame. And don't do fake pull ups.

  2. Always cracks me up when a soldier performs his divine duty of being an IED taste-tester for Israel and gets an event named after him that also breaks the bodies of other misled but well-meaning whites.

  3. If you watch this sport a lot, you end up rooting for certain individuals (we all have our favourites). But I will add that I respect them all for their stamina and dedication — which is far in excess of my own. I couldn't do this course. It's tough!

  4. the comment section definitely did not pass the vibe check. you all probably don’t even know what it’s like to burn an ounce of energy. crossfit is a sport it’s just like anything else so saying “why are people doing this to themselves” and what not is the same as saying why do people play football or basketball or any sport in competition. these athletes are doing it for themselves bc it makes them feel good it makes them happy it’s rewarding. not to mention this workout they’re doing is a highly respected and world known workout that is dedicated to the one of the bravest men that ever fought for america. you should all think before you type.

  5. im SORRY BUT i didnt c 1 pullup? need to call the SWING ups … cause i didnt c any PULL ups!
    SAD performing in PULL-UPs please rename the SWING-UPS what they REALLY are
    anyways AWESOME workout set up MAD respect 2 ALL try it & complete it!

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