Monster Shoulders in 1 Move | Form Check | Men’s Health

Pack muscle onto your delts with the Dumbbell Military Press. With good form, it’s one of the…


21 thoughts on “Monster Shoulders in 1 Move | Form Check | Men’s Health

  1. Great advice but I would add that the start and finish point should be biceps level with shoulders, to keep the delts constantly under tension and also limit the range of extension at the top of the press too, again, to keep the delts under tension.

  2. I have shoulder problem…
    I always sleep left side after few months I realised my left shoulder bone is crushed because of my body weight and my left shoulder became one and half inch shorter than the right shoulder.. now how can i set my left shoulder in Normal position which exercise have to do??
    I am facing big problem when I am doing exercises now it effects my chest workout, tricep and bicep too because of my one and half inch short shoulder…
    I am getting huge difference in my left side part compared to right side part..
    The shape and growth of left part muscles are different to right side part..
    Actually the right side chest, tricep and bicep is perfect..
    But because of my short shoulder remaining three left side body parts are getting effected..
    Huge difference in Left chest and right chest..
    Left tricep and right tricep..
    Left bicep and right bicep
    How can I get my should in right position?
    Sir please help me by making video or suggest me any video
    It helps me lot…
    Thank you

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