LOSE BELLY FAT in 10 Days (lower belly) | 8 minute Home Workout

Lose lower in 10 days at home with this 8 minute . These fat burning belly…


23 thoughts on “LOSE BELLY FAT in 10 Days (lower belly) | 8 minute Home Workout

  1. THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!! I've been doing this for 6 straight days and the outcomes our totally visible!!! My core is more strengthened and the ab lines are visible!!! Thank you!!

  2. Keeping track to keep me motivated!!

    Day one ✅ I was literally dying. I haven't exercised my core in like a month so it was really hard for me. But it will only get easier from here! Things I struggled with: Flutter Kicks
    Day two ✅ It's 9pm and I was so close to not doing it but I pushed myself and completed it! I was a little sore from yesterday which made is difficult but I did it anyway. 🙂

  3. Gonna do this workout for 10 days.
    Also I fast walk 30 to 40 minutes on treadmill everyday too so
    I hope I get good results after this 😀
    I will update u guys (≡^∇^≡)
    Waist→ 28 inches
    Day1→ done
    Day2→ done
    Day3→ done
    Day4→ done

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