Lauren Takes On the Men's Health URBANATHLON

Watch as Lauren, a fitness model and host of Woman v. Workout, competes in the 2012 Men’s Health…


35 thoughts on “Lauren Takes On the Men's Health URBANATHLON

  1. Lauren is great to watch and I enjoyed the navy seals experience. Those who leave nasty comments belittling her or her sister are insecure cyber punks that if confronted in person would crumble like the cowards they are. Karma will deal with these degenerates.

  2. I know there's got to be some make up behind the scenes. After all of that anyone would be red and sweaty! Regardless, good job girlfriend 👍🏻

  3. yea right give it up tootsie, do you have any idea what the enemy would do to you if they capture you. but don't worry I would give my life to save you. Marines recon woo fucking ra.

  4. Love these vids with Lauren. So fun and educational. You always look really good when doing all these things, even during the SEAL training. Do you put on any products, makeup? Maybe you can do a tips vid on what to wear, clothing and products you use…

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