Is The Smith Machine Good For Training Glutes? (30 Amazing Glute Exercises)

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46 thoughts on “Is The Smith Machine Good For Training Glutes? (30 Amazing Glute Exercises)

  1. I have had so many people tell me that I shouldn’t be using a smith machine, as a newbie I wasn’t sure! I am so glad I found this video,
    You are a legend! Thank you ❤️

  2. I wouldn't have anyone do lunges on a Smith machine unless the range of motion is similar to split squats. Once you get strong on a Smith machine if you do knee touch lunges eventually you will tweak you knee, just a matter of time.

  3. New to this channel and loving the content!
    Can I ask why do you lock it in place and how do you do that with a band. A demo would be great or just in a comment. I’d like to try those exercises but not without knowing what could happen if that is not locked/secured. Thanks 😊

  4. Smith machine is the best !! Every time I walk into a new gym I am looking to see if they have the smith machine. It is very versatile and it allows me to maintain the best form during exercises. 😊

  5. This is honestly so helpful. Just switched over from Gold's to Planet Fitness to save big bucks, but the lack of free weights and a proper barbell is killing me. Love this!

  6. I am one of those guilty of being very snooty about the Smith Machine. But I've recently discovered it is indispensable as a much needed stabilizer for the Romanian Split Squat. When I started getting heavier with those it started getting scary for my knees. Smith keeps everything solid.

  7. This video was extremely helpful! Thank you! I noticed that she is on an angled Smith Machine. I'm curious — should you always be facing this direction when doing these exercises or is it dependent on the exercise? I always do sumo deadlifts the other way around — is that considered bad form?

  8. Thanks Bret, I’ve learned a few new exercises! I like both the smiths machine and the barbell but hear some gym colleagues making a few negative comments about the smiths machine. I think is all a matter of what works for each individuals fitness goals. For example, I love Bulgarian splits squats on smiths machine as I feel the glute stretch and engagement.
    Is good to be open to new ideas!
    I believe in training smart, not one training plan will suit everyone. Is finding what works for me!

  9. Hey Brett hope you can answer this! i’m not sure which way to face when doing squats and hip thrusts on the angled smith machine. I know for your video you have showed her sitting into the incline like this / but i’m thinking if it would be alright to do a squat like , sitting away from the incline. i’ve been doing the latter at the gym and it feels fine to me. Please let me know your thoughts on this. You’re the only guy I trust on such workouts and I really couldn’t find info on this at all

  10. I use the Smith machine since i have multiple sclerosis and my stability can be off and other worse things can happen. Its just more for safety purpose for me🙂 so thank you for uploading this!

  11. I started glute building up and this is my 4th week, exercising each night at around 23. I have some pain in my back when doing some exercises (frog kicks and glute bridges) and some knee pain when doing squats.
    My questions are: when should I buy the elastics and the bell? When should a beginner have at hand?

  12. Thank you for this video Bret, I had seen some videos where they really seem to gatekeep strength training and say it must be done a particular way and that using the Smith machine is 'cheating' somehow. At my gym there is only one barbell and no squat rack, but there is a Smith machine. I've been doing deadlifts and hip thrusts with the barbell but squats on the Smith machine. Your list of what can be done on the Smith machine has given me some new ideas to try out. I think I'll have to bite the bullet and get onto the Bulgarian split squats regularly, boy are they tough!

  13. Absolutely the smith machine is good for budding your glutes. It’s safer too because you can put on the safety locks on. Smith machine is perfect for newbies or people not comfortable using the bar.

  14. I love the smith machine because I don't have a lot of time to work out sometimes and it saves me the hassle of loading up the barbells! Side note, the lady in your video is amazing! 🙂

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