going do this for 2 weeks with no rest days and I will update you guys!! day 1-done✅ I definitely feel the burn, it was not that hard but worth it day 2- done✅ little bit easier day 3-done✅ it was really hard cause I did this before school (6:30 a.m) and I was sooo tired day 4- done✅ idk how I feel today, but I did it lol day 5- done✅ day 6-done✅ day 7-done✅
Weight:125 lbs, goal: 120lbs doing for 14 days Day 1✅it was a challenge but I'm gonna add cardio. Day 2✅ first workout i did where i felt my abs burning i love it Day 3✅ still burning Day 4 ✅ checked the scale and i am 123lbs but like i said ive been adding other exercises to this, might gain pounds from leg and butt workouts Day 5✅ tomorrow is a rest day dont wanna over work Day6REST Day7REST Day8✅ my fupa got rlly small Day 9✅
Gonna be doing this. (I'm doing the 14 day hourglass workout too and I'm an intermittent faster 8:16)
Day 1: WELL, THAT HURT Day 2: OH MY- THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I WOKE UP AND FLEXED AND COULD ACTUALLY SEE A HINT OF MY ABS? (And mind you we usually only have flabs to offer) they disappeared after I ate (I feel betrayed and destroyed bye) Day 3: THE BURN IS REAL (Couldn't work out for 2 days because I got sick but I'll continue) Day 4: My abs after two days of rest: what fresh hell is this Day 5: how is this getting harder
Watched around 5-6 last ABS Lilly's workouts and all of them with +/- same exercises 😊 So you can choose 1 you like more and follow it every day. And I should say it really works. Result visible already in 2 days 😉💪 Making our bodies ready for the beach! 👙🕶👒🏖
I felt really successful with this routine today! My abs hurt like crazy still (it's the 3rd day) but I didn't have to take as many breaks as yesterday!
Your exercises are a firecracker! I admire your physical fitness. I started exercising at home for 2 months and I still have a hard time doing a lot of exercise, but I will take the challenge and work out stomach and buttocks for 14 days with your training plan.
Been doing this secretly for about 4-5 days trying to just do it whenever I can so I wont be counting days because sometimes I just lose all motivation even if I skip one day so gonna do it until my body is used to the routine then on with the next workout
Pondré los días que lo haré y los avances Día 1: ✅ ya tenia dos dias haciendo otros ejercicios, senti una ligera presión en mi abdomen Día 2: Día 3: Día 4: Día 5: Día 6: Día 7: Día 8: Día 9: Día 10: Día 11: Día 12: Día 13: Día 14:
okay so I'm gonna challenge myself! I won't do this everyday because I have other workouts to do but I'll keep you updated. If you are interested, I eat really healthy, I eat pasta once a week and the other days I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. I also go for a 7km walk three or four days a week and I workout everyday for about an hour. day !: I did it and OMG my abs are BURNING, HAHA. day 2: I did it! It's realy intense omg! I'm sure it'll bring results really quick :)) day 3: nope, but I did another workout instead ^^ day 4: i did it, difficulttt day 5:i did it, sweaty day 6: nope, but i did another workout instead lol day 7: i did it
Maybe if I comment it’ll inspire me to actually go through all the way with it 😭
Day 1:
this one was by far the best workout i've ever done: burned like hell but worth it!!
love this one definitely felt the burn!
going do this for 2 weeks with no rest days and I will update you guys!!
day 1-done✅ I definitely feel the burn, it was not that hard but worth it
day 2- done✅ little bit easier
day 3-done✅ it was really hard cause I did this before school (6:30 a.m) and I was sooo tired
day 4- done✅ idk how I feel today, but I did it lol
day 5- done✅
day 6-done✅
day 7-done✅
Nyyyyyyyyyyyyyyc six pack abs
One if the few videos I was consistent with because it was not very hard and I saw results 😀
I’m so glad I found this channel why cause this girl helped me lose 15 pounds awesome
not me trying to get skinny for church camp… 😶
That was burning 🔥🔥 Thanks Lilly for everything 🙂 I'm on to the HourGlassShape program day 3 ONNN
Thanks Lily
Day 1 : Done
Day 2 : Done
Day 3 : Done
Day 4 : Done
Day 5 : DONE
Day 6 : DONE
Day 7 : DONE
Day 8 : DONE
Day 9 : DONE
Day 10 : DONE
Day 11 : DONE
Weight:125 lbs, goal: 120lbs doing for 14 days
Day 1✅it was a challenge but I'm gonna add cardio.
Day 2✅ first workout i did where i felt my abs burning i love it
Day 3✅ still burning
Day 4 ✅ checked the scale and i am 123lbs but like i said ive been adding other exercises to this, might gain pounds from leg and butt workouts
Day 5✅ tomorrow is a rest day dont wanna over work
Day8✅ my fupa got rlly small
Day 9✅
It's like macarena. Wait a second is totally different.
This one is soooo good
18歳以上のみ the bhu
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
! 💖🖤 ❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編あり
がとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 #在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食物煮的時候
I can’t even lift my body what the heck how can u do that omgggg
Gonna be doing this. (I'm doing the 14 day hourglass workout too and I'm an intermittent faster 8:16)
Day 2: OH MY- THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I WOKE UP AND FLEXED AND COULD ACTUALLY SEE A HINT OF MY ABS? (And mind you we usually only have flabs to offer) they disappeared after I ate (I feel betrayed and destroyed bye)
(Couldn't work out for 2 days because I got sick but I'll continue)
Day 4: My abs after two days of rest: what fresh hell is this
Day 5: how is this getting harder
Watched around 5-6 last ABS Lilly's workouts and all of them with +/- same exercises 😊 So you can choose 1 you like more and follow it every day. And I should say it really works. Result visible already in 2 days 😉💪 Making our bodies ready for the beach! 👙🕶👒🏖
Anyone else here from Linda Sun?
I felt really successful with this routine today! My abs hurt like crazy still (it's the 3rd day) but I didn't have to take as many breaks as yesterday!
Your exercises are a firecracker! I admire your physical fitness. I started exercising at home for 2 months and I still have a hard time doing a lot of exercise, but I will take the challenge and work out stomach and buttocks for 14 days with your training plan.
I'm going to do this vor 2 weeks
Day 1: really feel the burn
Oooooowwww ist harddd
Been doing this secretly for about 4-5 days trying to just do it whenever I can so I wont be counting days because sometimes I just lose all motivation even if I skip one day so gonna do it until my body is used to the routine then on with the next workout
No thanks by💖
I really love Lilly!!!! But her supposed to be 7 days workout takes me a month to finish LOL bc I get lazy
Umm…I have a question and that is what type of work outs we should avoid if we have back pain?
A great ab workout and a bit of cardio too 😁
Oh my god- this hurt SO BAD
Doing this every dayyyy 😀
Day 1: ✅
My neck is on fire lol
I'm trying to glow up in a month for summer lmao 😭wish me luck
Pondré los días que lo haré y los avances
Día 1: ✅ ya tenia dos dias haciendo otros ejercicios, senti una ligera presión en mi abdomen
Día 2:
Día 3:
Día 4:
Día 5:
Día 6:
Día 7:
Día 8:
Día 9:
Día 10:
Día 11:
Día 12:
Día 13:
Día 14:
my neck hurts more than anything rn-
this works, but i recommend to check out her waist workouts and the 11 line workouts, they help much much more
Me doing this workout
Me: this is easy
my neck: shut the f*ck up
i think my neck is gonna get abs faster than my abdomen
Is anyone else going to eat junk food as a reward for doing this
I did the first exercise wrong and accidentally stabbed my knee in my nose
okay so I'm gonna challenge myself! I won't do this everyday because I have other workouts to do but I'll keep you updated.
If you are interested, I eat really healthy, I eat pasta once a week and the other days I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. I also go for a 7km walk three or four days a week and I workout everyday for about an hour.
day !: I did it and OMG my abs are BURNING, HAHA.
day 2: I did it! It's realy intense omg! I'm sure it'll bring results really quick :))
day 3: nope, but I did another workout instead ^^
day 4: i did it, difficulttt
day 5:i did it, sweaty
day 6: nope, but i did another workout instead lol
day 7: i did it
Loved it ❤
Great quick exercises! I love combining your 5 minute workouts to create a 30 min session!
Oh yeah its @Kai_chidi again
Am doing this one tooo
Waist still the same 36inches
Day 1✅: no pain no gain (also me crying right now)😿😹🥺