Wowwww seriously all of these tips are amazing especially making sure to squeeze your glutes from the bottom! Ive only done 3 sets of 15 hip thrusts and i followed all the tips… My butoxx is CRamping! Thank you! Love it 😀 👍
So, will this grow your butt over time? Obviously with the right nutrition and all that. But do you HAVE to do the heavy weights like dead lifts and squats with the bar weights? Or would this also build your butt?
How do I build my booty without growing my legs?
I love your booty workouts at home I don't go to the gym and use weights I only use booty band's workout
omg going to the archives to send this to my friend 😂😭💕 Your voice is so much more teenager like here #youngrobin
How much time we need to grow botty, actually?
Totally works….
How long do you take breaks in order to build muscle rather than muscle indurance?
Wowwww seriously all of these tips are amazing especially making sure to squeeze your glutes from the bottom! Ive only done 3 sets of 15 hip thrusts and i followed all the tips… My butoxx is CRamping! Thank you! Love it 😀 👍
🔥💪🏻 thanks
Are u canadian
Is it necessary to add weight when doing these exercise.
Can you lose body fat while growing your glutes?
Hi! I just found you 🙂 You are great! Thanks for all the tips. Also, where did you buy the extention bands?
Robin: You should be dying by the end of this video. Me lying on my bed: Yes, yes I am.
Good workouts 👍🏽
Love yoga I’m a kid me and my mom are doing yoga😀😃😄😁😊
you kinda look like hailey sani (side view only) 🤩 you’re pretty!
Link to the door resistant band
Omg even the hip thrusts at the beginning are SO CHALLENGING. Jelly legs!
God you’re booty goals, this is inspiring
I didn't know I needed this butt work out so bad during quarantine! I love your at home work outs! I also love you're cute place in this video 😍
Lovely video! ❤️Also entering the giveaway 😌😌
So, will this grow your butt over time? Obviously with the right nutrition and all that. But do you HAVE to do the heavy weights like dead lifts and squats with the bar weights? Or would this also build your butt?
She is not doing the hip thrust right. She needs her chin keep on her chest and look forward while doing the exercise
Are you still going to be releasing an at home Glute Program for Purchase?
more at home stuff please ! ✨
I LOVE Your Channel Girl!! <3 <3
You're so cute 😍🤗😘😚👄💋
This is so late, but I’m an xtra small 😂