Men’s HealthHow to Perfect Your Pushup | Form Check | Men’s Health Al Wallace4 years ago201 mins The pushup is a strength training staple — but are you sure you’re even doing the exercise… source Post navigation Previous: Herbs for Women’s HealthNext: Healthy & Easy MEAL PREP One Pan *weight loss* 20 thoughts on “How to Perfect Your Pushup | Form Check | Men’s Health” He explains exactly like my math teacher explains geometry Reply Even I'm a girl and I'm young but I can do it :O Reply Very underrated video Reply Really helped, I want to join the Air Force or the Marines dunno yet but this helped a lot. Reply i am trying to get big for lisa from Blackpink thanks for the tutorial Reply his back is arched tho…. abs are probably not tight Reply This really helped me thanks so much. Want to go into the Marine Corps Reply Bruh my Gym teacher is making us watch this. Reply 3:24I refuse to beleive that's physically possible Reply 💀♥ Reply ✊🏽♥♥ Reply Need subtitles Reply Great explanation. Very similar to how i instruct it to my clients 👍🏼 Love pushups 😁 Reply When is ebenezeer gonna be the model ? Sharing is caring ! Lol Seriously need to work on squeezing my shoulders and not flaring my elbows Thanks for the video Reply What about his wrists? They are taking a beating. Use dumbbells Reply EXELENTE DESDE COLOMBIA SALUDOS Reply His head is too small for his body Reply 1 like = 1 workout day 💪 Reply 3:24The floor is lava Reply With every video I improve my knowledge of how to train to perfection. Thank you guys Reply Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
When is ebenezeer gonna be the model ? Sharing is caring ! Lol Seriously need to work on squeezing my shoulders and not flaring my elbows Thanks for the video Reply
He explains exactly like my math teacher explains geometry
Even I'm a girl and I'm young but I can do it :O
Very underrated video
Really helped, I want to join the Air Force or the Marines dunno yet but this helped a lot.
i am trying to get big for lisa from Blackpink thanks for the tutorial
his back is arched tho…. abs are probably not tight
This really helped me thanks so much. Want to go into the Marine Corps
Bruh my Gym teacher is making us watch this.
I refuse to beleive that's physically possible
Need subtitles
Great explanation. Very similar to how i instruct it to my clients 👍🏼
Love pushups 😁
When is ebenezeer gonna be the model ? Sharing is caring ! Lol
Seriously need to work on squeezing my shoulders and not flaring my elbows
Thanks for the video
What about his wrists? They are taking a beating. Use dumbbells
His head is too small for his body
1 like = 1 workout day 💪
The floor is lava
With every video I improve my knowledge of how to train to perfection. Thank you guys