How To Lose BELLY FAT For Women, Teenagers And Men ! (3 SIMPLE STEPS)


These 3 steps will help you lose belly fat fast…


35 thoughts on “How To Lose BELLY FAT For Women, Teenagers And Men ! (3 SIMPLE STEPS)

  1. Weight lifting was only thing that reduced my Fupa and now on my way to my old body. I cardioed with so many different exercise types, reduced calories, keto, barely drink alcohol or soda and drink sparkling water and still wasn’t as toned as I wanted to be. Started weightlifting, ate a bit more carbs than usual and my body saw results so quickly. After one 15 min weight training exercise, it felt like I did a 2-3 cardio workout session. That’s just me but I’m learning my body responds to weightlifting and resistance training more so than anything else on their own. I used to be athletic and weight trained as a teen. I was Able to cheat a little bit with food and not see any drastic effects. Thanks ! Solid tips here 👍🏽

  2. For everyone who’s scared to lose your booty while doing cardio, you won’t if you also do squats or any other booty exercises that includes weight. Your booty fat will shed but you’ll replace it with muscles 💪

  3. i still use the elliptical for 1 hour a day just bc it feels wrong not doing it plus i could put on earphones and listen to loud music but HIIT workouts truly work! even though i haven’t lost that much weight i can still see it from my stomach!

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  7. 1. Diet
    Stay away from saturated fats and fast food. Eat healthy foods and stay in a caloric deficit
    2. Workout
    Cardio is not enough
    Incoperate weight lifting and resistance
    Steady state cardio burns muscle tissues and fat but hiit is better- helps tone up (hiit is 20 minutes max)
    3. Stay consistent and patient with everything, you will see results eventually

    I was just noting stuff down while watching

  8. Hello there, have you considered Okibetonic Secrets yet? Just do a google search. On there you will discover that an awesome tips about how you can lost tons of weight. Why not give it a chance? perhaps it's going to work for you too.

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