How To HIP THRUST | Glute Series Ep.6

MyCoach School Build Your Glutes Trainer –

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41 thoughts on “How To HIP THRUST | Glute Series Ep.6

  1. One question, I'm using smaller weights so I can't just roll them towards me. I have to lift them on and off every set which I'm struggling with. Any solutions?

  2. I love how you built the bench because I like to workout in the extra room of the gym! Away from the body builders haha and this way I can make a bench back here.

  3. When I hip thrust, I feel it in my glutes but the pain goes all the way to my knees. I feel my glutes on fire which I like but I also feel it down to my knees. It kinda feels like period cramps.😂 Not the sharp pain ones lol. I just want to know if it’s normal or not. I also get hip cramps when doing the abductors which hurt too

  4. I find that if I'm using a light bench to hip thrust, it tilts backwards and doesn't feel secure, especially if I add more weight to the barbell. Is there any way to reduce this?

  5. I'm new to hip trusts… Everytime I'm doing the exercise my glutes are totally burning, but afterwards for about 2 to 5 minutes my lower back is hurting a little bit. Any tips?

  6. So glad you mentioned this: "if you are thrusting heavy load you won't feel it but if you are thrusting lighter you will feel it in your glutes". I thought I was the only one and I just wasn't doing it right. I never progressively overloaded because I don't feel it so I just stick to light weight and do 1 1/4 reps because in my mind I'm like (I don't feel it with heavy weights, it must not be working then). So it's normal not to feel it with heavy load then???

  7. Thank you so much for this!! Only recently found you here and on IG and my workouts/diet have massively improved because of you! Such amazing content thank you this was so helpful xx

  8. Odd question, but is it true that women or your girlfriend/wife will thank you later for working your lower body? I've been spending the month of September trying to tone my thighs and butt more. Been working out for about like 105+ days so far. Doing full body workouts and some squats etc. I'm just curious because I'm a 29 year old virgin and turning 30 in October. Working out to gain more confidence in myself and maybe actually give dating a try. Still have a long way to go to get to my goals but exercising has become a fun hobby now after getting used to a diet. 🥰

  9. Hi Lucy – I have finally got hold of a barbell at home but obviously my plates aren't the same diameter you see at the gym so I can't roll the bar onto my legs. How is it best to overcome this when I eventually start to lift heavier? x

  10. I have wondered how tall the bench or step behind you needed to be? And how much weight that you start off lifting/using. I have heard about tucking your chin before. But not the 90 degree angle that you mentioned. Thanks for the video and the information. I appreciate it.

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