Hip & Glute Workout Circuit – At Home

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This and Mike…


39 thoughts on “Hip & Glute Workout Circuit – At Home

  1. As someone say below, this is ridiculuos efective, my glutes are on fire after 3 rounds each side. Thanks Mike!! You are a genius even in a video 3 years old 😆😉 peace!

  2. I see lots of people keep on talking about Clegenatur Methods (google search it). But Im uncertain if it is good. Have you ever tried using this popular breast enlargement method?

  3. Hi, one question
    Are these exercises going to help me to have again a small butt, because I don't know how but unfortunately I developed a bigger and rounder butt, and I'm embarrassed… so I'm asking if there is any solution?

  4. If I do this workout will it make my butt look manly? Also will my buttcheeks poof out rounder or more like a flattened oval that's just wider? I want to know this before I begin to do this daily over and over and over and my butt gets like a man's butt or like a square.

  5. Too funny, I was in mid search for a hip workout when this notification popped up… Love being subscribed to you guys..amazing channel… original… keep up all your hard work and motivation..cheers

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