Event 8 – Bike Repeater – 2020 CrossFit Games

The final five men and women have emerged from Stage 1 to battle for the title of Fittest on…


45 thoughts on “Event 8 – Bike Repeater – 2020 CrossFit Games

  1. Don't get me wrong- I am a fan of Brooke Wells. I think she is a great competitor and an absolute freak athlete. That being said, the 2020 games definitely exposed her weaknesses. I am excited to see how she does in 2021.

  2. Matt needs something more than this. This is a game for him. Same with Tia. They should make a harder type of Crossfit Games for people like them. I'm sure there's someone out there better than Matt and Tia.

  3. Poor Bill didn't get this event right " It's all bike and Katrin" turned out to be the rope and almost anyone BUT Katrin and Haley is not a kid at 18 she qualifies as an adult — I'm sure Bill will improve or he'll finish last

  4. Literally the Toomey is killing them on the transition onto the bike lmao .. everyone else is sitting on the bike and THEN peddling, such a waste of energy building up the initial speed on grass

  5. Adler wants to win this one since he lost in Event 7 which he was suppose to look back and look down on Fraser. The only event he won by 7 lbs lead was his impressive deadlift. The rest boohoo for him

  6. The fact that Tia and Mat are training partners and they are both so far ahead of their peers is scary. They are clearly doing something right at their gym!

  7. I cant believe how world level athletes do not know how to jump on bicycle in an efficient way. Most of them almost stop and then they cave to pedal up from stand still. Loosing at least 2 seconds every time. and they seem not to use speed shifting once they come to turning point from looks of how difficult it seem to accelerate.

  8. Trampa…Fraser pasĆ³ la meta con el temporizador en 12:56 segundos…y Adler en 12:56 segundos, de hecho se ve en la imagen y en el reloj de atrĆ”s, y le pusieron 13:07 segundos, es decir como si Fraser hubiera ganado por mucha ventaja, situaciĆ³n totalmente FALSA.

  9. Damn all these crossfit people look like they never have ridden a bike before…..and yes i know they are riding on grass but it still shouldn't be/look that hard.
    i think it is so odd that crossfit keeps adding sports……at some point the participants will have to play a 90min Football game(for you americans SoCcEr), play 4 quarters on basketball with 12 mins each quarter and then they will have to do horseback obstacle course, all in just 1 day…..it is just absurd. just stick to your weird kip ups, bar swings and bad lifting form and leave the other sports out of it '-_-

  10. Such a dull era of Crossfit! It's a foregone conclusion that Mat and Tia will win, no one any near them. Look forward to some competitors actually being able to break this dynasty

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