Event 6 – Toes-to-Bar/Lunge – 2020 CrossFit Games

The wait is finally over. Watch Day 2 of the 2020 CrossFit Games right here. Buckle up for an…


40 thoughts on “Event 6 – Toes-to-Bar/Lunge – 2020 CrossFit Games

  1. Happy they held the Championship during covid but definitely didn’t feel the same without the full field of athletes and of course the crowd! Hope 2021 can bring some of that back!

  2. Trust in Jesus he died for your sins, believe the gospel. Repent!!! If you do sin confess your sins, ask him to help you overcome your sins he will. Obey Jesus, live by his teachings, be led by the Holy Spirit. The Lord is coming soon you must live by his teachings. The love of God is beyond our understanding….////

  3. Read this if you want, we all fall short of Gods Glory, and broken Gods law and their must be a punishment for sin, but the good news is that JESUS CHRIST TOOK OUR PLACE, we must repent and turn to Christ and dont trust in your own understanding, Repent and put your trust in Christ…He who endures to the end shall be saved‱The gospelâŹ‡ïžhttps://youtu.be/4exu-7RDdKE‱Watch a poem "THE GREAT I AM"âŹ‡ïžhttps://youtu.be/bYTypUb_Jc4

  4. Fraser thinks he is the fittest man in "history?" Sorry Matt, you are phenomenal, no doubt… but there are many ways to measure "fitness." Also, you are setting yourself up to compare yourself to people like Leonidas of Sparta, Mamluk's (warrior slaves of Egypt who eventually overthrew everyone in the area), the greatest of Roman soldiers, the greatest of Greek soldiers, the greatest of Asian soldiers… these people lived in a much harsher world than you and were trained to be solders from the age of 5 or 7 years old. Look at other modern day solders and/or athletes. I'd like to see yourself get into the octagon for a five round MMA fight, or swing your leg over a supercross or motocross bike and survive… CrossFit is definitely a nice measure of endurance and strength… but let's see you do it when your face serious bodily harm/injury or even death? Anyway, congratulations and well deserves accolades. Have you ever thought about joining the Summer Olympic Games? 👍
    PS: I would except that you are the currently the fittest CrosFit person alive today… there are people around the world that you may not even be aware of, who are more "fit" than you are? Strength is also be humble.

  5. It's time to repent and seek JESUS .He gave his life and suffered the wrath of God in a cross to save you from eternal hell. Stop sinning. Clean your life. The end is near.

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