Day 3 – Anchor | BREATH – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Today’s lesson invites us to focus on anchoring the thoughts of a busy mind with the tools of…


26 thoughts on “Day 3 – Anchor | BREATH – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

  1. The environment of the yoga I choose to teach and share is one that doesn’t just accept but encourages you to show up as is. It says, come as you are, darling. I add the darling in.
    It is safe here. Come, darling, soften inward toward your breath.

  2. i can't believe I was was sore and pain if every bone but i was behind and determined to catch up with day 4 and five. i actually feel better and look forward to day 6. what i nned to work on is my breath! thank you Adriene for your commitment !

  3. I'm going to be on Number 3 for a while, I think. And that's okay. The more times I do it, the more comfortable I'll be with it. I'm 71 now, so I don't mind taking my time.

  4. Day 3 of yoga with a great pyr. Today, he brought me a potato and set in on the mat in front of me. I couldn't see because I was in forward fold and my hair created a curtain. He looked so indignant when I fell over laughing that he tried to pick up his potato, but he failed so hard.

  5. Hi Adriene

    Really loving all this beautiful breath work! Thank you! I felt disappointed at the end that you did not emphasize the importance of shivasana as an integrating pose onto itself. I also do understand that many participants leave before the end but others like me want to stay in shivasana longer. This was however not possible as the music at the end was not long enough and a rude and loud add started playing which made getting out of shivasana very abrupt. Could I simply ask that music be lengthened to reflect a true shivasana? Much appreciated…namaste…

  6. I am so grateful of your wonderful videos. I kind of suffer from constant thoughts and really love it when your videos do not remind me of thoughts.. as in this video at 2.29 – noticing the mind… I was just letting things go and then your words make me thing of them all again… I usually skip ahead, but can we not just sit there with them, and maybe you could just say lets just sit for the next 2mins allowing us to be present…. Just a thought. My intention is to not make another comment like this, to you, or to anyone else, especially when you are absolutely wonderful and help me so much.

  7. this one was a little more challenging to me its difficult to go from downward dog then stretch my leg into that position for warrior like pose. very challenging but still gonna see if i can get through it. my breathing definitely improved today. thank you

  8. Hi Adriene. I hope you're ok. Remember to look after you as you give so much of you to others. Thank you for what you do for us. You show us how to be kind to ourselves in a world that has taught us to treat ourselves with discontentment. Thank you Namaste.

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