Complete 20 Min ABS Workout | Follow Along

Follow along with as he does a Complete 20 Min . Watch as he shows you…


22 thoughts on “Complete 20 Min ABS Workout | Follow Along

  1. Lmao me as a 17 years old girl only do workouts of men bcs they are the only one who are still challenging me (yea I already train my abs for 3 years or sum)

  2. Been doing this for 2 months. First week, horrible feeling of my abs getting ripped off, then tried everyday and now I'm on 1 minute each exercise. Embrace the pain and obtain the gain

  3. 1:35 Laying leg flutters (45s) (15s)


    2:34 Reach ups (45s) (15s)


    3:31 Jackknife (45s) (15s)


    4:33 Boat hold (45s) (15s)


    5:33 Laying windshield wipers (45s) (15s)


    6:32 Star crunches (45s) (15s)


    7:31 Seated in & out (45s) (15s)


    8:35 Russian twist (45s) (15s)


    9:32 Bicycles (45s) (15s)


    10:34 Mountain climbers (45s) (15s)


    11:35 High side plank raises (22 Seconds on each side)


    12:35 Side plank reach through (22 Seconds on each side)


    13:32 Plank toe taps (45s) (15s)


    14:34 Leg raises (45s) (15s)


    15:35 Legs down hold (45s) (15s)


    16:35 In & outs (45s) (15s)


    17:33 Plank (45s) (15s)


    18:34 Side plank hold (22 Seconds on each side)


    19:32 Chair sit ups (22 Seconds on each side)


    20:35 Switching mountain climber (45s) (15s)

  4. so I did one Chris' abs workout earlier today and 2 minutes later I thought:
    Man, screw this I want more
    I did this workout after, I died (especially my abs, triceps and stamina)
    Anyway, Chris is a legend for bringing us those legendary workouts

  5. I love this workout and appreciate him for sharing it, but even after doing this over 50 times, it still drives me crazy whenever he says, "Just a couple more…" and I think we are just about done, and then he starts a countdown from 6 or 5. "A couple" means just 2, right? 5-6 is in "a few" range, right? But again… THANKS for this video and the 30-minute one. I've got the best abs I've ever had now (even though I still can't do the jack-knives to save my life).

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