When I do side planks my wrists are just soso sore to the point i find myself just skipping the exercise, i dont know if i'm doing it wrong or what, pls help
Been doing this for Month & half already, I'm still struggling but it got better from Day 1 I only do 2 chloe ting's video couz I'm very lazy person, i can't do three or 4 Hahaha. I'd say my booty gained muscle & it burns everytime i do this exercises.
Is anyone here also doing the FITober challenge? 🙂
Thank you for this Chloe, we love you ♥️
But, however, although
my ass is about to fall off and i still have another workout to do 🥲 i will just have to girlboss the system and push through
😤 💪🏼
Is it a bad idea to take resistance band when u're not used to working out ? Should i start without it for a couple of times before?
does this tone/slim down legs too?
I frankly hate this one especially cause all of it requires both hands on the floor the whole time 🙁
Thank you Chloe!
Zalımın qızı heç olmasa arada nəfəssiz qal təngənəfəs olda 😂😂😂 mənim burda canım çıxdı
Thank you loved it
Love it!
You’re amazing I love you and these workouts when I’m out of town! 🥰
What if I physically can’t do the glute flutters? 🥴
I love you my girl
Para tener un cuerpo como un reloj de arena ahíque esforzando mucho y poner mucho empeño,aunqur ses dificil ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Olá linda maravilhosa amo treinar cm vc bj 😘😘😘😘💋
Great workout 🔥👍🏽👍🏽
Nooooo my legs keep cramping 😂
Voy por el día 18 [proud]
When I do side planks my wrists are just soso sore to the point i find myself just skipping the exercise, i dont know if i'm doing it wrong or what, pls help
Never knew there were so many butt muscles I could torture in 15 minutes
neffex songs is always a vibe for every work
Thankyou so much, my wife Ophelia, is really getting those cheeks toned.
I love the emotion at the end of the exercise ^^
Been doing this for Month & half already, I'm still struggling but it got better from Day 1
I only do 2 chloe ting's video couz I'm very lazy person, i can't do three or 4 Hahaha.
I'd say my booty gained muscle & it burns everytime i do this exercises.
its my second day doing this excercise and i feel like hulk😎 i just can do 2 excercise,minus a few minuts
(im trying 💧👁👄👁💧) and i feel dying
Day 15💪
I hate how frustrated I got over this I’m literally crying oml
How long till I see results????
Done *
I can't work out with a mirror anymore I keep getting distracted.
it is ok if i use resistance band?
Here day 2🤪
Chloe: no break here! Straight to the next one!