Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares His Protein Shake Secret | Shake It Up | Men's Health

Arnold Schwarzenegger knows how to make a mean protein shake. Arnie gives us the rundown and…


35 thoughts on “Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares His Protein Shake Secret | Shake It Up | Men's Health

  1. Да это подобно что выбрать колбасу на бутерброд или жареные кабачки,я выбираю кабачки,просто они легче усваиваются,а на завтрак очень важно легко усваиваемая еда.Причем тогда вообще коктейли?А это понимают не многие,но поймут если подскажут,ха ха ха…

  2. actually its prank lot of ppl dont reallize that
    the video is cut and edited after he added whole egg with eggshell
    he has drank the diffrent one nobody will drinks like that not even him
    but on serious note u should not prank like this bcoz lot of ppl will
    think its real and try imitate arnolds style
    ppl will think does egg shell contains more protein

  3. I do the king I don't care about all those rubbish talking those bodybuilder talking about I still to the basics I love basic exercises basics food .I love this work out sir Arnold , it make me big and I get strong fast with muscle with low body fat.
    Reverse action principle
    To develop super power and ligament tendon joint strength ,big muscles gains fast.
    It is awesome huge sceret, the why I need ladda whey protein .fast king sponsor me , yes I am on Instagram too.

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