AMAZING RESULTS! The Best Core Exercises For A Bulged Disc

STOP doing the WRONG exercises for your lower back pain and START seeing results! Bulged or…


33 thoughts on “AMAZING RESULTS! The Best Core Exercises For A Bulged Disc

  1. Our goal with bulged discs and sciatica is to decrease pressure on the nerve (Phase One Video) and then introduce some core strength/stabilization exercises as tolerated. I hope this helps you guys out! Please feel free to leave comments below.

  2. Thank u for this! Really! This helped me even more then my doctor did. Your explanations made me realize what I have been doing wrong for years.. I just ran today for the first time in a long time.. I will start using more extractions in my rutine from now on! 😊

  3. Thank u. After doing these for how many weeks shall we do regular exercises like push ups, chin ups, cycling etc. I had mild disc bulge at L5/S1 and after doing the phase 1 exercises now i have been doing phase 2 for 1 week but only 1 set

  4. Ok, good theory, but what is the point if pushing the disc back if the annular tear never heals? If the annular tear doesnt heal the disck will always be pushed by the nucleus when performing movment especially when sleeping.

  5. New to your channel. I have a bulged disc and have been going to the chiropractor. I have gotten relief but they are missing the rehab/ strengthening part. They told me to do pelvic tilts and would be enough. This has really been helping. I think we need a better working partnership with chiropractors and physical therapists. Thanks again!

  6. You are great! I have a L4-S1 fusion and I’ve ruptured my L1-3 now. Had RFA for full lumber. I live in Egypt and haven’t found any PT that can deal with my issue. Help. Need exercises to strengthen my core and avoid another fusion! God Bless. Karima

  7. Hi. Can these exercises be part of a daily maintenance program for on going bulged discs? I have had disc trouble for years and looking for exercises to try and strengthen area so that my back won't go on me in minor situations which it seems to do. Also I would like to be able to sit on the floor or lying down without having to move after about 10 minutes (reason being my hobby is wildlife photography which involves sitting on the ground for long periods of time and being low to the ground!) Many thanks.

  8. I had mild bulge on MRI. I did not have sciatica, just lower back pain. I've been doing the exercises shown in this video for 4 weeks now. My back pain reduced completely in the first week itself. Can I start working out in the gym gradually?

  9. Also, I came across a literature review that says extension type exercises such as McKenzie are not beneficial for degenerated discs and that there isn't conclusive evidence of benefits of this type of exercises. Did you have any views to share? Thanks.

  10. Do these exercises apply to herniated discs also or by disc bulge are you referring to all levels of disc protrusion, i.e. bulge versus herniated? The bird dog as performed in this vid is different to how I was taught – shouldn't the legs be extending parallel to the ground rather than extending upwards?

  11. I have a question, November 20th,2020 I had a lumbar decompression on my L5 Disc d/t a 8mm bilateral bilateral bulge I got from a gurney malfunction. When I was at PT they told me to do bridges and it causes nerve pain in my ankle and hip from S1 nerve that was formerly impinged. Do you have any other exercises I can substitute for bridges?
    I understand that I shouldn't be feeling pain, and when I do stretches for S1 nerve down L leg and R leg it causes parasthesia for about 5-10 seconds after I stretch. It starts between 20-30seconds. I do 3 sets for each leg at 30 second stretches swapping between each leg till set is done. I understand you are not my Dr. or PT. . I would like to ask this as an understanding of what you think about parasthesia and my issue with sciatica stretching. My former PT told me it may be uncomfortable, but to just deal with it. Is that solid advice in your opinion? I understand this is just advice [from a studied stranger and cant be seen as medical Tx. But i would still like to know what you think about this. That is, if you see and decide to respond to this comment.

    Either way I hope you and your family are doing well. Best wishes that you and loved ones stay free of covid-19 and have an enjoyable 2021 🙂

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