8 Things Nobody Tells You About Belly Fat

These are eight little-known issues about stomach fats, the way it accumulates, and how you can do away with it….


33 thoughts on “8 Things Nobody Tells You About Belly Fat

  1. References
    1. A study from Uppsala University found that genetic factors significantly influence fat distribution in the body.

    2. “Recent studies in men have shown that abdominal fat increases with age and decreasing testosterone concentrations”

    3. 2011 study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, examined spot reducing fat with crunches

    4. “There was no significant effect of abdominal exercises on body weight, body fat percentage. . . abdominal circumference, abdominal skinfold, and suprailiac skinfold measurements.” 

    5. A study has found that individuals with lower levels of vitamin D tend to have higher levels of belly fat and larger waistline

    6. Not getting enough vitamin D can impair testosterone levels. One study involving 2,299 men found that those who had sufficient vitamin D levels had much higher testosterone than those who were deficient. 

    7. Recent research suggests that air pollution may contribute to an increase in people being overweight and obese.

    8. The problem? Doing so can increase body fat, as shown by a reccent study conducted by Mayo Clinic, which was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

    9. “Too much belly fat, even for people with a healthy BMI, raises heart risks”

    10. primates that have increased cortisol also develop abdominal obesity and laboratory studies confirm a clear correlation between cortisol levels and the deposition of deep abdominal fat.

    13. “A study of stressed out middle-aged Swedish men similarly showed that those with the highest cortisol levels also had the biggest beer bellies.”

  2. The stress-fat correlation has the causality going both ways: you're fat, so you're stressed out by it. And you get fatter because you are stressed. It's just another one of the mechanisms that mean that if you already have too much fat it makes it more likely for you to have even more of it.

  3. I am 20 started gaining belly fat from few weeks , i used to be skinny , started gaing fats , i stopped doing exercises and cycling this might be the reason beside gaining fats , it means lack of exercise ?? , i don't have any diets , i consume regular normal meals

  4. Vitamin D. Take two groups. One are guys playing computer games. Second are sporty guys. Who will have more testosteron? Who will have more vitamin D due to being more on the sun? But will they have more testosteron due to being more active or because of vitamin D? Correlation does not imply causation. I have bad, bad feeling, that a lot of the vitamin D deficiency mess is just another advertisment. They would have to take two comparable group and one feed with vitamin D, second with placebo. And then compare it. For example, they have done this to kids. There wasnt and difference in density of bones between group taking vitamin D and taking placebo. And still doctors prescribe vitamin D to babies.

  5. I get bloated throughout the day and I finally am learning to accept it. And yarrsss see if u born in female body the Oder u get the more belly fat ur body tries to out on with hormones in case u get pregnant one day.
    Sadly that makes being a trans masc a little harder but at least I can’t punish myself for it even though I don’t want that hormone in my life

  6. I lost weight by walking. I was 267 pounds in April 2022. I got to 164 in December 2023. I am now at 190 ish pounds. Just over the overweight threshold. 25 BMI. Even when I was 164 pounds I still had stomach fat, I was skinny fat. I am 6’1 by the way. I want to lose stomach fat again but not look skinny fat anymore

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