Who else is incapable of doing the full workout. I literally bench 250, and deadlift 375, but none of it matters, because my core is so incredibly weak
Everyone here! Don’t go for abs! I started doing this, you get abs from the kitchen! Your diet!! If you want abs, redirect the skin somewhere else, like increasing chest strength which will pull skin up and make your desired “abs” more defined.
I'm gonna be doing this for a while and track my progress. I am doing this workout every other day to give my abs a break. While doing a different workout at night. (Not Abs) Day 1 Complete: Hard to do but I made it with a couple breaks during each exercise.
Could you finish the entire workout? Reply below!
Follow me on IG: @trahan
Support me: Link to shop Neptune Bottles + Podcast in description!
Every like I get is a day I’ll do this workout. I’ll update my comment each day.
what’s the difference between rowboats and star crunches??
How many calories does this burn?
Not sure if anyone else noticed but after the 6th minute of the workout the video changes
He went from exercising content to bitcoin content. My man
Who else is incapable of doing the full workout. I literally bench 250, and deadlift 375, but none of it matters, because my core is so incredibly weak
The rowboats killed me but the scissors were easy HOW
Great video
Just know that i am so happy for this video, my abs are fire now 🔥
Squeeze abs while doing it
Leg up movement
I’m going to give your work out a try for 30 days
I will be 61 in August and I made it thru but I had to modify a couple. Now it's time to ice(I had back surgery when I was 24 (laminectomy L4-S1)
Hey I know I’m late to the video but I was wondering that if I stopped like 15 seconds in between workouts would that effect how I look after?
i finished it just now and i have a question if I'm fit how long will it take for me to get abs
Everyone here! Don’t go for abs! I started doing this, you get abs from the kitchen! Your diet!! If you want abs, redirect the skin somewhere else, like increasing chest strength which will pull skin up and make your desired “abs” more defined.
shoutout to airrack for suggesting this video through creator now lmao
anyone else deciding to try to get abs like 3 weeks before summer?
people getting this in their recommended in 2021
This ab workout slabs
Gotta say this was a great workout
It is shit
That was so hard I barley finished
I'm gonna be doing this for a while and track my progress. I am doing this workout every other day to give my abs a break. While doing a different workout at night. (Not Abs)
Day 1 Complete: Hard to do but I made it with a couple breaks during each exercise.
I cant believe this was you, now you look look like spock if he was a turtle
1 like = 1 week of the workout.
And I will keep you updated