7 Best Glute Exercises for Men (science-based)

With so many different out there on Instagram, it’s very hard to know what…


36 thoughts on “7 Best Glute Exercises for Men (science-based)

  1. Applicable to all sexes! Not just guys. Hip thrust, RDL'S, Bulgarian splits, box squats, abductions and lunges are constants in my leg day routines.
    For some reason hypers have always hurt my lower back but thankful for the curving of the spine tip to soften the lower back. I'll start incorporating them more!

  2. 100% agree. The video is excellent and this dude obviously knows what he is doing. BUT I’d strongly caution viewers that proper deadlifts (like shown here) inherently have numerous points of failure with a high risk of injury. PLEASE have a qualified trainer spot your form (not just a mirror) and build the exercise from a low weight/low risk movement over time. You may feel alright moving up but the reward of 20 more pounds is not worth a devastating back injury. This is purely anecdotal, but every time I train a client that suffers from back pain, they begin the story with “well I was deadlifting one day…” squash your ego and ask for a little coaching. It WILL mean the difference when you go to pick up your grandchild one day.

  3. I've done all these work outs for years, I've been growing a man's butt. 😳 Jokes aside, these are definitely the best work outs 🍑 can't wait for my next leg/glutes training!

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