45 thoughts on “5 MIN FLAT ABS WORKOUT (At Home No Equipment)”
Happy Friday guys! Here's a quick, but killer ab workout you can do to end off your week! 🔥 P.S We are almost at 5M SUBSCRIBERS 🤯I seriously cannot believe it! If you haven't subscribed already… hit that subscribe button! Join the family! See you soon. Xx – Maddie
I love you so much for being not like the other fitness influencers on YouTube, who talk about weight losing and how to look like a barbie. You make me feel happier and much more sporty and I have so much fun with movement and sport when I do your workouts. With that you have done something that many others on social media would never have achieved. Thank you for that, Maddie!
This has really helped me lose some of my lower belly fat. I used to be so self conscious of my lower belly when I would wear jeans but today I wore jeans sense I was going to the mall and I looked in the mirror and some of my lower belly fat went away and also i have only been doing these exercises for 2 days 3 times every day. So I really recommend doing these exercises but be patient because I’m very inpatient so after doing the exercises once I expected to see results and that’s not how it works so be patient and try to eat healthy too. Ok well that’s it. Good luck to the people trying this and don’t give up.🙃(wow i didn’t realize I wrote so much)
I am a 63 year old trying to hold it together :-). I love your quick, but intense workouts. Right now I use the 5 min Abs (2x wk), 10 min Leg thigh bun, (2x wk) and inner thigh (1x wk). Your routines are easy to follow, and the best part; no equipment.
I’m gonna do this everyday (until school I will be updating) will update for results!💕 (also if I don’t update for past a day I’m not busy, never am, so remind me to come back and get dem abs!🏃♂️😋(also July 11, is my besties b-day and July 22 is mines so if I don’t update then that’s why😅)
Day 1✨: Done! Really felt a burn, was short and simple but I might do another workout because I’m aiming to get abs!😁
I love this program, it's just 5 minutes, it's quick, effective and i really enjoy doing it. I know have the time to do this every day when i wake up and it feels good
Very good work out, I had abs all throughout my teens and twenties without trying too much, but now I'm 30. My abs were hiding for awhile. I have been doing an routines for a month and eating healthier. Your workouts are still a challenge though. I have great respect for anyone with washboard abs now! Not easy.
Happy Friday guys! Here's a quick, but killer ab workout you can do to end off your week! 🔥 P.S We are almost at 5M SUBSCRIBERS 🤯I seriously cannot believe it! If you haven't subscribed already… hit that subscribe button! Join the family! See you soon. Xx – Maddie
day 1 : done
Day 2 : done
Day 3 : didn’t do beacuse I hurt my ankle sorry
Day 4 : just done
I’m gonna update every day until I get what I want
Honestly, this is the best 5 min workout. I always go to this video because I know I will always feel the ‘good burn’. Thank you!
Just a reminder for me 🙂
Day 1: ✅
Can I do this without the warmup ?
Thank you some much for helping me through my journey! I am only in 5th grade and love your videos
Yep! Felt it!
I love you so much for being not like the other fitness influencers on YouTube, who talk about weight losing and how to look like a barbie. You make me feel happier and much more sporty and I have so much fun with movement and sport when I do your workouts.
With that you have done something that many others on social media would never have achieved.
Thank you for that, Maddie!
why is this just as hard as her 15 minute ones?
Why is she so underrated????
This has really helped me lose some of my lower belly fat. I used to be so self conscious of my lower belly when I would wear jeans but today I wore jeans sense I was going to the mall and I looked in the mirror and some of my lower belly fat went away and also i have only been doing these exercises for 2 days 3 times every day. So I really recommend doing these exercises but be patient because I’m very inpatient so after doing the exercises once I expected to see results and that’s not how it works so be patient and try to eat healthy too. Ok well that’s it. Good luck to the people trying this and don’t give up.🙃(wow i didn’t realize I wrote so much)
Thank you😍❤
I felt the burn. Dang I gotta conquer this.
I admire you greatly. I hope when I'm certified, bin as great as you & will tell everyone of your inspiration. Thank you!
i’m probably like 30 of these views. i love this video. do more!!
love it THX
i can’t tell if it is the period cramps or the burning of my abs that i feel.
This was so fun to do!
I am a 63 year old trying to hold it together :-). I love your quick, but intense workouts. Right now I use the 5 min Abs (2x wk), 10 min Leg thigh bun, (2x wk) and inner thigh (1x wk). Your routines are easy to follow, and the best part; no equipment.
Hereafter your veiws will increase cause of me^^
I’m gonna do this everyday (until school I will be updating) will update for results!💕 (also if I don’t update for past a day I’m not busy, never am, so remind me to come back and get dem abs!🏃♂️😋(also July 11, is my besties b-day and July 22 is mines so if I don’t update then that’s why😅)
Day 1✨: Done! Really felt a burn, was short and simple but I might do another workout because I’m aiming to get abs!😁
I love this program, it's just 5 minutes, it's quick, effective and i really enjoy doing it. I know have the time to do this every day when i wake up and it feels good
Oh man, felt that. Thank you!
I wish I had abs
Guuuuys, do you know what is the name of the first song?🙈 I love thaaaat🤤 Thanks a lot🙏🏼😘
I like it♥️♥️
Updating EVERYDAY for a month!
Day 1: 😎A simple breeze! Very easy felt no pain or hardwork need whatsoever.
All of your workouts make me drip sweat, but I’m sweating that much without being in utter pain bc u make it possible
This handy little workout is so quick, but doing it every other day has given me an “ab crack” ♥️♥️♥️ love you Maddie
i just got my period while doing this and i know tmi but im literally lmao rn
weekly update!!
Day one: 6/10 burning, it was pretty good!!
Love these quick, 5 minute workouts!! Thanks for keeping us going!!
This workout is just what I needed to feel the burn and feel motivated. Thanks madfit!
For the ones that come here often 0:32
Day 4 and I can’t do the last one 😫
Awesome workout!
yes..i would like more intense 5 min. workouts..
This had me sweating and had me feeling more burn then Chloe things workout and this workout is 5 mins less then hers
Started 👍🏼
Very good work out, I had abs all throughout my teens and twenties without trying too much, but now I'm 30. My abs were hiding for awhile.
I have been doing an routines for a month and eating healthier. Your workouts are still a challenge though.
I have great respect for anyone with washboard abs now! Not easy.
29.06 – ✅
3 months postpartum and it was perfect! Felts the burn and was able to keep up! Thank you for the video!