43 thoughts on “30 Minute HIIT Glutes Workout | IGNITE – Day 26”
I hope you all loved this burner of a workout today! I know I felt it in the first couple of exercises and I hope you crushed it with me! Make sure you are subscribed as we are hoping to help more and more people feel healthy, happy, and strong every single day! Thank you for choosing me as your trainer! http://www.youtube.com/c/sydneycummings?sub_confirmation=1
I’m here again during All Time Greats month (wasn’t in the mood for the one that was uploaded for us). Can I just say this is my favorite glute workout of all time?! No split squats (can’t do) the final minute burner was do-able, and by golly I’ll be lucky if I can sit down to pee in the morning. Feelin the burn, Sydney!
Wow I freaking LOVED that workout. It was so hard, but it really allowed for me to step it up and focus on the moves so I could keep my form the entire time! Sydney is the best!
Today I came with nothing, but I showed up and pressed play. Thank you for the encouragement that I can reach my goals with consistent effort, even when sometimes it is way less than ideal.
I tried to engage my glutes and pull my belly button in but my lower back hurt more my glutes. I don't think I felt anything in my glutes. I sweated a lot but the exercise felt a bit easy. Did I do something wrong?
I hurt my back last week and have been reluctant to workout but came back yesterday and worked hard while being safe. Motivated by you. Crushed it. Burning happy glutes! 💪🏻👌
I hope you all loved this burner of a workout today! I know I felt it in the first couple of exercises and I hope you crushed it with me! Make sure you are subscribed as we are hoping to help more and more people feel healthy, happy, and strong every single day! Thank you for choosing me as your trainer! http://www.youtube.com/c/sydneycummings?sub_confirmation=1
That was amazing. It burns. 💕💪🏻👌🏻👏🏻
I’m here again during All Time Greats month (wasn’t in the mood for the one that was uploaded for us). Can I just say this is my favorite glute workout of all time?! No split squats (can’t do) the final minute burner was do-able, and by golly I’ll be lucky if I can sit down to pee in the morning. Feelin the burn, Sydney!
wow!!! Those last 10 mins were a burner
Rocked this mornings stf 3.0 tier 3 workout arms and legs emom and added this one on for that lunch push!
great quick glute burner
Completed! Not my best session today and I could’ve worked harder, but I showed up to train and I’m proud of myself for that.
1 more day left of the program 💪
completed June 01, 2021
30 minutes is definitely more intense than 1 hour!
Ignite Day 26 Crushed…. My glutes are on fire…. Loads of Love from India xoxo….
Saving this one! So good!
Can’t thank you enough for always putting together the best workouts. You are truly the best ❤️
You are amazing 😍 thank you for your motivation and support 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for the encouragement.
Can you post more glute burner/glute builder workout videos pretty please!
I keep coming back to this flute band workout!! Looooove it! And feels so good!
Dosed off watching sweet 16 but got up at halftime to rock this circuit!1
I’m a believer in consistency! Pushing myself with each workout and finishing strong. No ifs ands or buts. Thanks Coach SC 👍🏻❤️🏋🏻♂️🔥
Wow I freaking LOVED that workout. It was so hard, but it really allowed for me to step it up and focus on the moves so I could keep my form the entire time! Sydney is the best!
crushed it!
This was great and went by quickly, thanks Sydney!!
It could have burn better, but I am happy.
love u
Sydney is my all Time favourite and motivation.
The buuuurrrrrnn 😍👌🏼
Amazing job thanks Sydney ❤
Today I came with nothing, but I showed up and pressed play. Thank you for the encouragement that I can reach my goals with consistent effort, even when sometimes it is way less than ideal.
I tried to engage my glutes and pull my belly button in but my lower back hurt more my glutes. I don't think I felt anything in my glutes. I sweated a lot but the exercise felt a bit easy. Did I do something wrong?
As an ex-gymnast, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS WOMAN! Thank you for getting me back into working out, I appreciate you!!
I hurt my back last week and have been reluctant to workout but came back yesterday and worked hard while being safe. Motivated by you. Crushed it. Burning happy glutes! 💪🏻👌
I love you too Sydney! <3 Thank you for what you say at the end of the training. I needed it very much. THANK YOU.
loved it and it went so fast
I crushed it!
That was a good one thank you so much xx
I Crush it, Thankyou
3 months with Sydeny and I am already seeing definition. Here's to a rocking summer body at 43!
Thank you!!!!
LOVE her workouts and how Sydney always encourages us!! that we can do this!