23 Best Healthy Dessert Recipes For Weight Loss | Tiktok Compilations #dessertrecipes

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25 thoughts on “23 Best Healthy Dessert Recipes For Weight Loss | Tiktok Compilations #dessertrecipes

  1. I actually recommend to eat bananas a bit on the green side. The sugar that it contains increases the darker it gets.
    Just a little tip for people considering a healthy diet, or that are insulin resistant like me.

  2. Here’s a healthy dessert recipe for ya:
    1/2 cup oats
    1 tbsp almond butter
    5-8 dates, chopped
    1/2 frozen banana (or full banana), chopped

    Blend the oats, dates, and almond butter in a food processor or blender. Take the mixture in a ramekin or small bowl and pour it in, press it down. This is the base. If you’re gonna have dessert later then stick it in the fridge -even if you’re eating it after you make it stick it in the fridge for a minute. Meanwhile take the frozen banana and blend it until ice-cream like consistency/thick. Layer this on top of the cheesecake base and bam: banana cheese cake (ish). Even to mix up the flavour, stop half way through blending the banana and add frozen strawberries or choco chips and continue blending until they mix and stop when at ice cream like consistency. The end, enjoy.

  3. 4:22 i have made several protein or energy balls before but ive never used dates, can i substitute dates?
    For example for bananas or maybe even oat flour because ive read that you just need something equally wet and sweet, like bananas??

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