A brand new no equipment, no noise 20 minute home workout you can do anywhere and follow-along…


32 thoughts on “20 MINUTE FULL BODY HOME WORKOUT! No Equipment, No Noise!

  1. Hey my friends! The music changes in the middle of this video for 2 minutes so that I could take out all of the adverts that the music labels inserted into my video, so that you could follow it without interruptions! That’s also why you won’t hear the countdown timers for 2 minutes but it means you get to follow without any ads! ♥️

  2. I lost over 20lbs in two months. Just visit a website called Agoge Diet, choose the foods you like and they will provide you with 30-DAY diet plan and training plan. Finally I got my six pack 😀

  3. I'm a beginner, I've been starting to work out again a week ago after about A YEAR with no work out, when i got to round two i almost stopped there but i powered through with i don't know which energy, and here i am, commenting and done, half deceased, thank you.

  4. Thanks for a fantastic workout Natasha! Just please don’t omit the ding dongs between the exercises (it’s good to rely on them so we know when to stop, rest and switch) 💖

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