32 thoughts on “20 MINUTE FULL BODY HOME WORKOUT! No Equipment, No Noise!”
Hey my friends! The music changes in the middle of this video for 2 minutes so that I could take out all of the adverts that the music labels inserted into my video, so that you could follow it without interruptions! That’s also why you won’t hear the countdown timers for 2 minutes but it means you get to follow without any ads! ♥️
I lost over 20lbs in two months. Just visit a website called Agoge Diet, choose the foods you like and they will provide you with 30-DAY diet plan and training plan. Finally I got my six pack 😀
I'm a beginner, I've been starting to work out again a week ago after about A YEAR with no work out, when i got to round two i almost stopped there but i powered through with i don't know which energy, and here i am, commenting and done, half deceased, thank you.
Thanks for a fantastic workout Natasha! Just please don’t omit the ding dongs between the exercises (it’s good to rely on them so we know when to stop, rest and switch) 💖
Hey my friends! The music changes in the middle of this video for 2 minutes so that I could take out all of the adverts that the music labels inserted into my video, so that you could follow it without interruptions! That’s also why you won’t hear the countdown timers for 2 minutes but it means you get to follow without any ads! ♥️
One of my favorite workouts to do; I have a busy schedule as a writer and just taking twenty minutes out and still feel challenged is excellent!
one of the best workout videos i've ever done 10/10. burnt 220 calories!
I lost over 20lbs in two months. Just visit a website called Agoge Diet, choose the foods you like and they will provide you with 30-DAY diet plan and training plan. Finally I got my six pack 😀
"no noise" yeah except for the sound of me gasping for air for 20 minutes straight 😂
Visit Agoge Diet and make your own body transfromation!!! I LOST 18kg. Unbelievable! 😀
I'm a beginner, I've been starting to work out again a week ago after about A YEAR with no work out, when i got to round two i almost stopped there but i powered through with i don't know which energy, and here i am, commenting and done, half deceased, thank you.
Loved this one! I've tried one of ur HIIT but I have way too bad coordination skills. Thanks!
Does anybody know what is the third song called i try to find it. If someone can let me know I would really appreciate it. Thank
love your workout. I am glad that I am able to do it
Thank you. !
Thanks for a fantastic workout Natasha! Just please don’t omit the ding dongs between the exercises (it’s good to rely on them so we know when to stop, rest and switch) 💖
yall this made me so tired and made me sweat so much
Should a beginner try this workout?
What video editor do u use?
Another really good and effective workout! I use your workouts as morning sessions to get my days started, thank you Natacha! :')
harder than I thought but the second round was better somehow, maybe cause I already knew the moves haha!
Omg this was so easy (manifesting) anyways imma get a flat stomach and it better be worth it bc i think i just saw the light
my god i'm sweating too much
Keep it simple like I did. I lost 18 kg with diet plan from website Agoge Diet.
This is such a nice, quick, but still demanding workout!
The rocket launches look easy, but it's quite a start! ☺️
I was so confused by those lunges like I had no idea if I was doing the right form at all, anyways gonna go do the second half
I only could do one round today. Will definitely try finishing both rounds next time!!🤛🏿
When you realise that you have heavier butt than compared to her and you can’t do Extended crab knee drives,That’s some bull shit!
anybody wants to know its effective or not. This is super effective i can see changes in my body in 1 day so give this workout a try !
I have to admit…..I'm a piece of 💩…OMG, 5min killed me….this' ll be a long journey, but I'll rock it ❤❤❤
i don't care about the work out do a pop smoke dance
I burned 300 calories doing this workout!!! Natacha is the best fitness youtuber for me
Surprised myself, i actually finished it, not with the best squatting form but i still finished it!!
how does Natacha stand up after working out and is still so energized? in my dreams-