10MIN everyday pilates ab workout // small waist and flat stomach


So comfortable you’re right here 🙂 hope you get pleasure from this exercise!!

Love u all



23 thoughts on “10MIN everyday pilates ab workout // small waist and flat stomach

  1. This my first time doing this video so Ima see how it goes
    Day 1:✅I felt that😭😭I feel good abt this video ima keep doing it
    Day2:✅It got hard but im still going strong!
    6 days later
    Day 4:✅

  2. committing to it for 1 week
    Before: waist: 76.5cm . lower stomach: 84.5cm
    day 1 (25.10):YES! felt it.. burnt a lot but I improvised the exercise that was after the heel touches cuz i didnt have the strength to do it
    day 2 (30.10):
    day 3 (31.10):
    day 4 (01.11):
    day 5 (02.11):
    day 6 (03.11):
    day 7 (04.11):

    After: waist: lower stomach:
    How much I cut off:
    My thoughts:

  3. Это просто жесть!!
    Так у меня пресс еще никогда не горел, я уж подумала что это со мной что-то не так, оказывается не те упражнения делала😂

  4. Day 1: Done ✅
    Day 2: Done ☑️- my abs are burning 🔥
    Day 3: Done ✅ feeling soo good
    Day 4: Done ☑️ my abs are burning and I completed whole workout without pause 🎉

  5. I’ve been doing this for about a month now and I can def say that my waist has gotten more slim and i can see that it’s defining my abs 😍🙏 I’ll update again next month (if i rmbr to😓)

  6. Im doing this for 1 mount
    (Today 20 October)

    What i want: 50kg height – 170

    What i have: 55,56kg height – 165+/-
    (I will still do exercises for height)

    (I don't know English well and I will learn it this month)

    Day 1: ✅

  7. im gonna plan to do this for four weeks straight

    Waist: 32 inches
    Weight: 185 lbs

    Week 1 –
    Day 1: ✅
    Day 2: ✅
    Day 3: ❌
    Day 4: ✅
    Day 5: ❌
    Day 6: ❌
    Day 7: ❌

    Week 1 Results
    Waist: 31 inches
    Weight: 182.4 lbs

    Week 2 –
    Day 1: ❌
    Day 2: ❌
    Day 3: ✅
    Day 4: ✅
    Day 5: ❌
    Day 6: ❌
    Day 7: ❌

    Week 2 Results
    Waist: 30 1/2 inches
    Weight: 179.4

    Week 3 –
    Day 1: ✅
    Day 2:
    Day 3:
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:

  8. Doing this for 50 days!
    Starting weight: 57kg, goal is to tone not lose weight but we will see!
    Day 1: done, hurt but wasnt too bad and not hard on my neck
    Day 2: done, was very tired and my abs were sore from doing it yesterday so def felt the burn
    Day 3: done, i am going this with a leg workout at the same time so body is very sore but it is getting easier!
    Day 4: done! i can see some toning in my abs
    Day 5: done
    Day 6: done
    Day 7: 1 week done!
    Day 8: done
    Day 9: done, defiently seeing a difference
    Day 10: ten days done!

  9. doing this for 2 weeks!
    -day 1: ✅
    -day 2: ✅ kinda sore bc i got my flu shot but done!
    -day 3: ❌ didn’t do it because i low key went into a depressive episode
    -day 4: ✅ got back on track and now it’s easier!

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