Hey everyone, welcome back! Today’s is a 10 minute ab that’s gonna target every part of your abs, giving you that defined abs look! This is part of my 30 day flat belly challenge program, and I’ve put up a FREE workout calendar for you guys so check that out!

Now I’ll be doing this challenge myself to get back in shape so do join in, share your results #chloetingchallenge, so I can do a before/after video of my results as well as yours! so let’s get started! Before we start, I’d really appreciate it if you could smash that thumbs up button, drop me a comment, and share this “FREE” workout program with anyone who needs it.

Now lets start this workout with in and outs. Put those arms to the side and pull your knees into your chest. Remember you squeeze and engage your abs the whole time. the next exercise is Spiderman plank.

Get in a plank position and bring in those knees sideways. Again, we’re engaging the here so don’t let your legs do all the work here. Leg circles are next. Get flat on the ground and place your palms next to your hips.

These are really going to work your lower abs so keep pushing guys. Now turn over into a plank position again and we’re doing plank with hip dips. This is one of my favourite exercises. This works your obliques so do this slow and controlled and feel that burn.

Now swap around again with your hands next to your hips, we’re got reverse crunch. You’re probably starting to feel it now in your lower abs, but keep powering through, let’s do this together.

Alright stay flat on the mat, we’ve got some crunch with pulse next to work those upper abs. Keep your legs in a 90 degree angle, and crunch forward with your arms straight. Again remember Engage those abs and use your muscles to do those crunches.

Next we’ve got some flutter kicks, we’re already half way through the workout so good job guys. You can crunch up and do flutter kicks at the same time or you can lie flat on the ground. Crunching up a little while doing flutter kicks is definitely a little bit more difficult.

Next, we’ve got russian twists. Have your heels touching the floor or you can lift it off the floor and twist from side to side. Again, tense that core and do this slow and controlled so your abs are doing all the work Now flip around and get into a high plank position.

We’re doing some crossbody mountain climbers. bring your knees forward towards the opposite elbow and burn those abs Alright now flip around onto your back again, we’ve got just 3 more exercises to go and we’re now doing bicycle crunches.

You’ve got a slight recovery in the next few exercises so I want you to give it your all for this exercise and feel that burn. Make sure you squeeze that abs. And now flip around and we are doing planks with bunny hop.

Hop to your left and crunch those abs, back to plank, then hop to your right and repeat. We’re almost done. So keep pushing guys Alright our last exercise is high knee so stand up and go all out here guys.

Get those knees up as high as possible, and engage your core the whole time, now let’s smash this. Great job everyone. Don’t forget to smash that thumbs up button and drop me a comment if youve enjoyed it.

Also don’t forget to share your progress with everyone! If you’re not subscribed yet, smash that subscribe button and turn on notifications because “me love you long time”. See you in the next workout, bye!


37 thoughts on “10 Mins ABS Workout To Get FLAT BELLY IN 30 DAYS | FREE WORKOUT PROGRAM

  1. i have almost two weeks off school which I will be using to get healthy, happy and thin! i will pair these workouts with healthy eating, daily meditation and walks in nature. i will update this comment daily!
    DAY ONE: ate a healthy breakfast and did this workout twice

  2. Im going to do it every day for a week and will update you guys with results.
    DAY1: It was really hard I thought I couldn’t do it, but I did! Wish me luck 2morrow.
    DAY2: Today was harder than yesterday because of the soreness but I love the feeling after this workout. (no results yet)

  3. Im going into HS so I need to get snatched and I would just like to say that THIS WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ive been doing this and her 10min fat burn workout every weekDAY (taking the weekend off/as a break) and eating mainly clean and if I eat out, which i do a couple times a week, BEING MINDFUL, if you go to Starbucks, search up a healthy mock drink of your favorite drink instead of getting a drink thats packed to the core with sugar. Im going to start involving leg and arm workouts soon. Ive already lost 2in off my waist and 10 pounds and ive been working out for almost 3 weeks and idk but JUST DO IT!!!! Ive already had people telling me theyve noticed my waist getting smaller!!!!!!!! Its so worth it!!!!! DO ITTTTT.

  4. Chloe Ting you are the best ever!!!!! I’ve spent so many $$$$ trying to loose weight with trainers and I followed your programs and lost twice as much weight. I am your BIGGEST FAN!! You are such a motivator and change so many ppls lives. I wish you so much success in your career ❤️

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