43 thoughts on “10 MIN BEGINNER AB WORKOUT // No Equipment | Pamela Reif”
♥︎ hope you enjoy this "Beginner Version" of my Ab Workout 🙂 Let me know if that was a little too easy, just right or still a little tough? Aaand what other Beginner Workouts do you wish for?
Thanks for sharing I don't like looking after my abdomen I prefer to go swimming this video I found a challenging but I managed to complete it I think I will keep it in my favourite and do it every now and then because it was a lot easier than all the others I've tried👍🏿 🤜🏿💥🤛🏾🤜🏿💥🤛🏻
great exercise but don't understand why her hair and makeup looks like she was attending a wedding. 😀 like- non of us look like this while exercising 😉
Pamela your all the exercises were good for beginners and the way you remain calm through out the video tells a lot about you and help others to improve themselves👍👍😊😊 But that 10 min also looks very long for a beginner😭😭
On Day 3 following this video and some others. It is becoming less and less painful doing the workout and easier every day, and every time after the workout, I feel so good. Love your videos!!! And thank you.
It’s been I think 4 days now, I’ve lost 5.6 pounds in the past 11 days and did this for 4, I saw the most result in the 4 days, (obv I did other exercises and calorie deficit)
I did this workout after like 1 whole year focusing only on finishing my degree and nothing else. I have not moved my butt from the computer all this time. I did not die during the workout which came as a surprise. (Degree still not finished)
♥︎ hope you enjoy this "Beginner Version" of my Ab Workout 🙂
Let me know if that was a little too easy, just right or still a little tough?
Aaand what other Beginner Workouts do you wish for?
Ok ..the ab cramps after the crunches..does anyone have any advice for stretching?
Pamela I was wondering how many push ups you can do
this is so cute thank u.
Imdoing this bc my gf says im fat 😅😪
Thanks for sharing I don't like looking after my abdomen I prefer to go swimming this video I found a challenging but I managed to complete it I think I will keep it in my favourite and do it every now and then because it was a lot easier than all the others I've tried👍🏿
Beginner????!!!! I gave up when you reached the plank exercise…..I couldn't!!!
great exercise but don't understand why her hair and makeup looks like she was attending a wedding. 😀 like- non of us look like this while exercising 😉
another morning done:) love u pamela
The planks really get me
📽️ あなたの本当の愛を見つけてください
💢 http://localdate.monster/alesya
♦☮ プレミアムプライベートセックス 💛🎁
I hope that you can understand what I am telling I wanted to download your videos for morning exercises
Please make your videos to download
How many calories does this burn?
Pamela your all the exercises were good for beginners and the way you remain calm through out the video tells a lot about you and help others to improve themselves👍👍😊😊
But that 10 min also looks very long for a beginner😭😭
On Day 3 following this video and some others. It is becoming less and less painful doing the workout and easier every day, and every time after the workout, I feel so good. Love your videos!!! And thank you.
I gotta admire you ❤️ I felt like I almost died lol You make it seem easy. I hope I get there soon
Great to start getting back in shape!!!
i gave up at 0:17
Why this hurting my neck?
Do you want the food you have been craving for a hour, or the body you have been craving for a year?
Just a little motivation for yall
tell me that im not the only one who nearly dies doing this
Name of the song?
It’s been I think 4 days now, I’ve lost 5.6 pounds in the past 11 days and did this for 4, I saw the most result in the 4 days, (obv I did other exercises and calorie deficit)
I wanna throw up🥵
I did this workout after like 1 whole year focusing only on finishing my degree and nothing else. I have not moved my butt from the computer all this time. I did not die during the workout which came as a surprise. (Degree still not finished)
7:40 i can't raise my legs at all like a full stretch 🤣😔
Guys keep doing this! I was almost dying the first time I did this but now I use this as my warm up. Don‘t give up!
So proud of myself 😅
DAY 1:
DAY 2:
DAY 3:
DAY 4:
DAY 5:
DAY 6:
DAY 7:
DAY 8:
DAY 9:
DAY 10:
DAY 11:
DAY 12:
DAY 13:
DAY 14:
I am so proud of myself y’all. I finished exercising without taking 5 minutes breaks each!!! Haha
Day 1: ✔️
Day 2: ✔️
Hiç Türk yokmu laa
I’m alive, but I’m dead. I’m alive, but I’m dead
Just a great workout ! And effective ! The best ones I've ever had ! Thanks !
I wish I had abs like you. You are ammaazziinngg 🙂
Had taken a break,but back here again.
For how long and move to hard type ?
Day 1 ✅🎈
Day 2 ✅
— P—R—I—V—A—T—E—-—S—E—X— 💋
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#在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食,